Poster Session

April 17-18, 2024

Title: Developing a Framework for Assessing Readiness of Rural Communities for New Technologies-A Text Analysis and Synthesis of the Literature   

Presenters: Assad Khattak (UTK), Sheikh Usman (UTK), Jerry Everett  

CR2C2 | MRI 1 | Project 1-1                                                                                                                                                     

April 17, 2024 | 10:05 - 10:25 | Ballroom 103 -104

Abstract: Rural areas in the Southeast face unique transportation challenges. This project presents a detailed framework for technology solutions, focusing on the readiness of automated vehicles (AVs) and electric vehicles (EVs). A comprehensive literature review uses text analytics to highlight the distinct needs of disadvantaged rural communities. Critical factors for technology adoption, including infrastructure, regulation, technology ecosystem, public perception, safety, and support services, are identified. Tennessee's readiness for emerging transportation technologies is explored as a case study. The study emphasizes the importance of well-maintained roads, AV-friendly legislation, cybersecurity, and public education. Considerations include the implementation of micro-transit, crash detection technology, and rural connectivity hubs. The project aims to enhance the readiness assessment framework through further research, aiding in effectively implementing advanced transportation technologies in rural areas.

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