Stage 3: Final Design
Submission link for Final Design
Contact: Dr. Venktesh Pandey; Email:
Stage 3 of the competition involves investigating your proposed concepts and solutions using data-driven methods to assess how effectively they may scale to address the needs of Rockingham County.
Deliverables: This stage has two deliverables:
A formal report outlining the problem statement and proposed solutions with relevant details (meeting the evaluation criteria). This report is due on Thursday, November 14, 11:59 pm.
Each submission is limited to ten 8 ½ X 11 pages including covers, tabs, graphics, references, and/or images. You may use a 11X17 page to present the proposed community layout and this 11X17 will count as one page.
A formal presentation to be given by the teams on Saturday, November 16, 9 AM – 12 Noon, in front of the judges. Each team will have 10-12 minutes to present, followed by a 3-minute Q&A session with the judges. Presentations must be uploaded to the Google Form (to be posted on the competition website) by Friday, November 15, 11:59 PM.
Presentations should provide judges with confidence in the viability of the solution for Rockingham County, and it should clearly articulate the rationale behind the chosen approach.
Submission link: The team lead should submit the team's designed concept here.
Evaluation Criteria
+ Integration of Field Trip Information (20%)
- A successful submission should effectively incorporate insights from the field trip into the solution design.
- It should demonstrate a strong understanding of the local community’s needs and challenges.
+ Identification of Problems and Challenges (20%)
- A successful submission should clearly identify transportation and infrastructure problems.
- Problems should be thoughtfully scoped using relevant data and the community context.
+ Data-Driven Approach/Methodology (25%)
- A successful submission should provide a well-supported, data-driven approach to solving identified problems.
- Relevant data, analysis, and visualizations (e.g., plots) should be included to support the proposed solutions.
+ Evaluation of Solution’s Impact or Success (20%)
- A successful submission should provide clear evaluating of the proposed solution should it be implemented.
- It should include quantification of impacts (e.g., improvements in transportation accessibility, etc.).
+ Clarity and Quality of Presentation (15%)
- A successful submission should be concise, clear, and well-organized.
- Slides should be visually effective (clear diagrams, readable text, minimal clutter).
+ Bonus: Innovative Solutions or Differentiators (up to 5% extra credit)
- A successful submission should offer unique or creative solutions beyond standard methodologies.
Additional Considerations
+ Consider "What (data-driven) evidence can you provide to show that your proposed solution will work?" We encourage you to reflect on the evaluation criteria and the feedback you received for your Stage 2 concept.
+ It is important to bring unique and creative ways to convince the reviewers of the strength of your approach.
+ We encourage you to leverage team roles effectively and play your part (for example, one person explores the idea while another critiques it—this "structured debate" approach is often successful). Some teams prefer to brainstorm individually before gathering to discuss ideas as a group, while others find value in brainstorming together. Choose what works best for your team.
+ It is critical to meet the deadlines and prioritize completion over perfection, because every idea contributes to the larger picture.
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