Oral Presentations

April 17-18, 2024

Title: Educational/Workforce Development Activities at NC A&T

Presenters: Nicholas Allen (NC A&T)

CATM | VRU Themed Talks                                                                                                                                                    

 April 18, 2024 | 8:20 - 8:40 | Ballroom 101

Abstract: Workforce development in the transportation sector is a key factor in ensuring that the demands of the workforce are met with qualified and enthusiastic employees. The success of NC A&T’s workforce development efforts hinge on a positive University culture and a prevailing spirit of partnership. This discussion will comprise an overview of student programming at NC A&T and a discussion of success factors and pitfalls in the workforce development area.


Nicholas Allen is the program manager at the Transportation Institute in the Willie A. Deese College of Business & Economics at NC A&T. He manages student programming, research grants, and external engagement. He holds bachelor’s degrees in Literature and Technical Writing from Virginia Tech and a master’s degree in Literature, Medicine, and Culture from UNC-Chapel Hill.

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