Oral Presentations

April 17-18, 2024

Title: Mask-wearing Intention on Airplanes During COVID-19 – An Extended Theory of Planned Behavioral Model

Presenters: Jing Yu (Jane) Pan, & Dahai Liu (ERAU)

CATM | VRU Themed Talks                                                                                                                                                     

April 17, 2024 | 3:50 - 4:10 | Ballroom 101

Abstract: This survey study focused on the mask use of airline passengers when they fly during COVID-19, using the theory of planned behavior (TPB) model to examine the relationship between nine predicting factors and the mask-wearing intention in the aircraft cabin. The data was statistically analyzed using structural equation modeling. Results showed that attitude, descriptive norms, risk avoidance, and information seeking significantly influenced the travelers’ intention to wear a mask during flight during COVID-19. This survey study aims to investigate the mode choice behavior in the Los Angeles and San Francisco corridor, where HSR may soon become a feasible option. Data was analyzed using logistics regression and two-way MANOVA. The results indicated that convenience in transport, travel frequency, income, gender, mobility issues, and total travel time were determinants in the choice between HSR and air service, while travel frequency and total travel time were important in the choice between HSR and cars.


Dr. Jing Yu Pan (Jane) is the Assistant Professor of the School of Graduate Studies in the College of Aviation at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University. Her professional background includes airline and airport management in both airlines and the International Air Transport Association. Her research interest is in the area of transportation, focusing on passenger behaviors in the transport markets and sustainable transportation.

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